ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is connecting. iGA HUB
Ön Başvuru Formu

A TRY 800,000 Cash Prize Awaits You!

iGA Istanbul Airport and İTÜ ARI Teknokent are combining forces to create the iGA HUB to support innovative ideas and technological innovations in Civil Aviation and Airport Management.

If you have a technology project about civil aviation and airport management, you should apply for the iGA HUB Program run by İTÜ Çekirdek now!
What is the name of your initiative?
Summarize your initiative in one sentence.
*We expect this sentence to be a summary of the objective and the value proposition of your initiative.
Provide a broad summary of your initiative in one paragraph.
What stage is your initiative at?
Full Name
Telephone Number
How many people are in your team?
Please briefly introduce your team.
In this section, we'd like you to share a statement that highlights the competencies required for you to accomplish your business plan. If your teammates have outstanding characteristics in core competencies, please highlight these in 1-2 sentences.